Brooklyn, Ohio Chamber of Commerce

Membership Benefits


The Chamber is made up of individuals and businesses, large and small, each with their own challenges and goals.  As owners and managers we need to take advantage of every opportunity to improve and grow our business.  Being a member of the Chamber provides you with some of those opportunities.

We sponsor monthly luncheon meetings with informative speakers, networking opportunities, and special programs designed to market your business to other Chamber members and their thousands of employees.  We also give our members the benefit of free advertising through newsletter articles, inserts, website posts, and email blasts, just to name a few.

Additionally, by joining the Brooklyn Chamber of Commerce, your business automatically becomes a member of the Northern Ohio Area Chambers of Commerce.  With the pricing power of 126 Chambers of Commerce your business has the advantage of discounted rates on group health insurance, workers compensation, gas and electrical bills, credit card processing and much more.

We invite you to attend one of our upcoming luncheons as a guest of the Chamber to learn more about our organization and what benefits you would receive as one of our members.

If you have any questions or concerns, or if you are interested in attending one of our luncheons, please contact me by email at or by phone at 216-635-4297.  We look forward to speaking with you in the future!