Brooklyn, Ohio Chamber of Commerce

Congratulations to Superintendent Cynthia Walker on her retirement!


Superintendent Cynthia Walker was honored at our June 11th luncheon.  Chamber President, Chris Ellis, presented Cynthia with gifts to celebrate her retirement.

The Brooklyn Chamber of Commerce would like to personally congratulate Superintendent Cynthia Walker on her retirement.  In addition to being the Superintendent of Brooklyn City Schools, she has also served on the Brooklyn Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors since 2010.  Throughout her time with the Chamber, she has been very active in fostering the Chamber/schools relationship, planning and promoting our events, and volunteering countless hours to making the Chamber a successful organization.  Cynthia Walker is a true asset for both the Chamber and the Brooklyn community!

Cynthia has been with Brooklyn City Schools for 10 years, with the last seven years as Superintendent.  During her time with the district, she worked very hard to help pass a levy that allowed the district to build a new middle school and renovate the football field.  Prior to her tenure at Brooklyn City Schools, Cynthia was the director of student services at Revere Local Schools and also taught special education at Akron Public Schools.  She retires this year with 35 years in education.

Personalized planter presented to Superintedent Cynthia Walker - personalization was done by a Brooklyn High School Senior

On June 11th, Cynthia gave her final State of the Schools address at our luncheon.  Chris Ellis, President of the Chamber, presented her with a flower planter and gift card.  The planter was personalized by a Brooklyn High School senior student.  The Chamber would like to thank Annie Hostetler and the BHS Art Department for all their help in making the planter into a beautiful tribute to Cynthia’s years of service.

We would like to personally congratulate Cynthia on her retirement. Her hard work and diligence has greatly benefitted all who have had the pleasure of working with her.  We wish her the best in her future endeavors!

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