Each month, the Brooklyn Chamber of Commerce chooses a different member to be the “Spotlight” for that month. That member submits an article highlighting themselves and their business and what they provide to the Brooklyn community. If you would be interested in being featured in an upcoming month, please let us know.
The city of Brooklyn is open for business! As mayor of Brooklyn, I want to assure you that we are a business friendly community and ready to be of assistance to you and your company. Whether it be retention, expansion, acquisition, grant funding or questions in general, our Economic Development Director can navigate you through any process. The Building Department makes it easy to obtain permits and looks forward to working with any business, large or small. Our well-trained safety forces are top-notch, providing excellent response times and are always willing to speak to your business about any issues you may have. The service department takes great pride in maintaining the roadways and throughout the year, regardless of the weather conditions. I encourage your employees to take advantage of our corporate rates at the Recreation facility along with enjoying the city park amenities such as pavilion rental and nature paths.
Mayor Katie Gallagher -216-635-4220 – kagallagher@brooklynohio.gov
Economic Development Director: Andi Udris -216-635-4289 audris@brooklynohio.gov
Building Commissioner: Dave Kulcsar -216-635-4201 dkulcsar@brooklynohio.gov
Service Director: John Verba -216-635-4219 jverba@brooklynohio.gov
Police Chief: Scott Mielke – 216-635-4237 smielke@brooklynohio.gov
Fire Chief: Kevin Paul – 216-635-4226 kpaul@brooklynohio.gov